
See our Biomechanics and Biomineralization pages for field-specific publications.

Most recent publications are listed below.

  1. Yushi Bai, Yongmei Wang, Misun Kang, Claire M. Gabe, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Austin Edwards, Marshall Stoller, Stefan J. Green, Shaul Aloni, Nobumichi Tamura, Elia Beniash, Markus Hardt, Sunita P. HoOrganic Matrix Derived from Host–Microbe Interplay Contributes to Pathological Renal Biomineralization, ACS Nanoscience Au, 2023.
  2. Bo Wang, Nam Nguyen, Misun Kang, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Stephen Connelly, Richard Souza, Sunita P. HoContact ratio and adaptations in the maxillary and mandibular dentoalveolar joints in rats and human clinical analogs, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2022.

  3. Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Misun Kang, Yianni Ellenikiotis, Andrew Jheon, Sunil Kapila, Hubert S. Swana, Marshall L. Stoller, Youngho Seo, Sunita P. HoStandardization of mineral density maps of physiologic and pathologic biominerals in humans using cone-beam CT and micro-CT scanners, Dental Materials, 2022.

  4. Rui He, Conrad Chou, Ling Chen, Marshall Stoller, Misun Kang, Sunita P. HoInsights Into Pulp Biomineralization in Human Teeth, Frontiers in Dental Medicine, 2022.

  5. Putu Ustriyana, Rui He, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Jasper Chang, Sheeler T. Arman, Sukhmandeep Sidhu, Bo Wang, Misun Kang, Sunita P. HoFood hardness can regulate orthodontic tooth movement in mice, Journal of Periodontal Research, 2022.

  6. Putu Ustriyana, Matthew R. Hennefarth, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Haeyoon Jung, Yongmei Wang, Ling Chen, Tom F. Lue, Guiting Lin, Misun Kang, Marshall L. Stoller, Sunita P. HoMineralized Peyronie's plaque has a phenotypic resemblance to bone, Acta Biomaterialia, 2021.

  7. Bo Wang, Putu Ustriyana, Caleb. S. Tam, Jeremy. D. Lin, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Yvonne Kapila, Mark I. Ryder, Samuel Webb, Youngho Seo, Sunita. P. HoFunctional Adaptation of LPS-affected Dentoalveolar Fibrous Joints in Rats, Journal of Periodontal Research, 2021.

  8. Rosalyn M. Sulyanto, Clifford J. Beall, Martin B. Berger, Christopher P. Goodell, Stephanie Koo, Fiorella Candamo, John R. Dickson, Misun Kang, Sunita P. Ho, Man Wai Ng, Shahr B. Hashmi, Eugene J. Leys, Ann L. Griffen, Silver diamine fluoride alters microbial communities in subsurface dentin, JADA Foundational Science, 2021.

  9. Sulyanto, RM; Kang, M; Srirangapatanam, S; Berger, M; Candamo, F; Wang, Y; Dickson, JR; Ng, MW; Ho, SPBiomineralization of Dental Tissues Treated with Silver Diamine Fluoride, Journal of Dental Research 2021.

  10. Yuan Du, Misun Kang, Jorge Mena, Marshall L. Stoller, Sunita P. Ho, Jun Li, Structure and elemental composition of Ceftriaxone induced pediatric nephrolithiasis, Urolithiasis, 2021.

  11. Yuan Du, Vincent Blay Roger, Jorge Mena, Misun Kang, Marshall L. Stoller, Sunita P. HoStructural and chemical heterogeneities of primary hyperoxaluria kidney stones from pediatric patients, Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2021.

  12. Andrew Jang, Bo Wang, Putu Ustriyana, Stuart A. Gansky, Igor Maslenikov, Alex Useinov, Richard Prevost, Sunita P. HoFunctional adaptation of interradicular alveolar bone to reduced chewing loads on dentoalveolar joints in rats, Dental Materials, 2021.

  13. Scott Wiener, Robert L Chevalier, Sunita P. Ho, Marshall L. Stoller, Jean Oliver: Master of the Nephron, Urology, 2020.

  14. Adrian M. Fernandez, Benjamin A. Sherer, Stuart A. Gansky, Jorge D. Mena, Sudarshan Srirangapatanam, Scott V. Wiener, Thomas Chi, Sunita P. Ho, Marshall L. Stoller, Ectopic biomineralization in kidney stone formers compared to non-stone formers, Translational Andrology and Urology, 2020.

  15. Vincent Blay, Bhairavi Tolani, Sunita P. Ho, Michelle R. Arkin, High-Throughput Screening: today’s biochemical and cell-based approaches, Drug Discovery Today, 2020.

  16. B. Wang, K. Kim, S. Srirangapatanam, P. Ustriyana, S.E. Wheelis, S.C. Fakra, M. Kang, D.C. Rodrigues, S.P. HoData on biomechanics and elemental maps of dental implant-bone complexes in rats, Data in Brief, 2020.

  17. B. Wang, K. Kim, S. Srirangapatanam, P. Ustriyana, S.E. Wheelis, S. Fakra, M. Kang, D.C. Rodrigues, S.P. HoMechanoadaptive strain and functional osseointegration of dental implants in rats, Bone, 2020.

  18. Vincent Blay, Mu-Chun Li, Sunita P. Ho, Mashall L. Stoller, Hsing-Pang Hsieh, Douglas R. Houston, Design of drug-like hepsin inhibitors against prostate cancer and kidney stones, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2020.

  19. Kazumi Taguchi, Ling Chen, Manint Usawachintachit, Shuzo Hamamoto, Misun Kang, Teruaki Sugino, Rei Unno, David T. Tzou, Benjamin A. Sherer, Atsushi Okada, Takahiro Yasui, Sunita P. Ho, Marshall L. Stoller, Thomas Chi, Fatty acid–binding protein 4 downregulation drives calcification in the development of kidney stone disease, Kidney International, 2020.

  20. Matthew R. Hennefarth, Ling Chen, Bohan Wang, Tom F. Lue, Marshall L. Stoller, Guiting Lin, Misun Kang, Sunita P. Ho, Physicochemical and biochemical spatiotemporal maps of a mouse penis, Journal of Biomechanics, 2020.


Last updated September 2023.